"Nothing tops the fact that I am alive & present today...for it is this fact that makes all other things possible for me!"-Angelface
I Chron.16:8-36
"God is not here to please you; You are here to please him."-Angelface
I have but one concern, and that is to please God. I can not worry about creating my own agenda and figuring my future out. God has that covered. I read his word, to discover what it is that he desires of me. He speaks to me and I have no choice but to listen. All that he instructs me to do is follow him. Forget self, forget my personal opinions, emotions, and ever-changing feelings. Simply find a way to please God each and every day, and he promises that I will always have my every NEED met. He never promised to give me my every want... I am not informed enough to know the true cost of my wants. I trust that God knows much better than me, and when I am only focused on praising and honoring God...I know that my blessings always outdo even my wildest dreams and lists of wants. God created me & you, he knows what we want and need before the thoughts ever form in our minds. (Matt.6:25-34). Why stress about trying to control the outcome of your life? You have no more "say-so" or control than a character in any given Disney film (so to speak)...You simply act out what the author, God, has written for you.(Matt.6:27)
Stop fighting it---Stop stressing yourself....In Heaven all we do is praise the Lord, nonstop, for all of Eternity...Earth is your practice, your test...SCORE HIGH!!!:)
"Ask God what he needs from you today instead of telling him what it is that you want."
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing to Others.
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