Although it is very quiet all around me, I can hear so many sounds. I can hear the thousands of thoughts racing through my mind as I try so hard to calm my anger, my frustration. How is that after so many years my love, my friend, my husband can still not fully understand me?! Of course my initial reaction is to be hurt and argue and then I want to run away. I want to avoid even seeing him so that I don't feel compelled to speak to him. I convince myself, if only for a moment, that I can't stand him and that we are not at all compatible. Then, I cry myself to sleep from the pain of being so lonely without him. Not that I couldn't literally be without him, but just the simple thought of knowing that emotionally I am trying to disconnect from my soul mate, the other half of my heart, it pains me much too deeply. When I awake from a very hard slumber that lasts hours in the middle of a sunshiny day, my mind is refreshed and somehow refocused. I realize that of course I love this man, that's exactly why it hurts so bad when we disagree, when I feel like he doesn't understand me. I learn over time that we are indeed two very different people and yet it is our differences that draw us closer to one another. I could never expect for him to think and act identical to me because then he would have nothing of interest to offer me. I fell in love with him because of his different views on things and I love that he's not afraid to challenge me on my views. This is what happens in relationships. People disagree, we argue but it's how we handle things after we've "awaken from our slumber" and after our minds refocus. Too often people feel that after one too many arguments it's time to call it quits and that there can be no reconciliation. These same people then find themselves wondering why they fail to have successful relationships time and time again. It's a simple answer really. You can never grow together if you never endure anything together. Being that we are different people, we are bound to disagree sometimes and since most of us want to be in control or just be right, we often argue with someone who sees things differently from us. Instead, each disagreement should be a learning experience and we should appreciate an honest opinion other than our own from time to time. Not agreeing on every single issue should never result in the ending of a relationship, unless you intend on forever being single. Choose your battles wisely and when you must gear up and fight...fight fair and remember that in the end you will still be friends so burn no bridges and keep the love flowing. The more you endure together, the more intense the relationship will become. Remember: No matter how much someone urks your last nerve, when you love them it is NEVER okay to physically harm them in any way.
God Bless Always and remember to be a blessing to others.
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